Are Your Shoes Making Plantar Fasciitis Worse?

Nov 16, 21

Have you ever felt persistent pain in your feet, particularly when you get out of bed in the morning? The issue often results in a constant discomfort that might make walking unpleasant, and it is common among those who are on their feet most of the time. This condition is called “plantar fasciitis,” and it can turn your work into suffering.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

It’s a condition that affects the plantar fascia, which is the connecting tissue that supports the foot. The disorder results in pain in your heel, and it is always severe – especially when you take the first step in the morning, as we mentioned. The pain continuously decreases as the day goes on, but it can return when you are on your feet for some time. Luckily, you have some options to treat – or at least, reduce – this condition.

The Best Shoes for Plantar Fasciitis

At SAS, we’ve been producing quality shoes that promote proper foot health in general, but our footwear also caters to those suffering from plantar fasciitis, specifically. Here are some of the styles that will enable you to deal with plantar fasciitis effortlessly.

SAS Sandals

SAS sandals are made perfect for different seasons and different occasions. Whether you take them on vacation or wear them in your everyday life, they make walking easy and reduce the pain you experience due to plantar fasciitis. Check out both men’s styles and women’s to find your fit.

SAS Active Shoes

Are you the type of person who’s always on the go? You don't have to worry about the stress that your chosen lifestyle puts on your feet anymore; we’ve designed the best walking shoes for plantar fasciitis – shoes that can withstand long periods on your feet. Plus, they’re excellent running shoes for plantar fasciitis as they’re designed to reduce inflammation. Furthermore, our active shoes are available to both men and women in a variety of styles.

A close-up view of a blue running shoe for plantar fasciitis from SASNola

SAS Work Shoes

If you work on your feet, you’ll want to listen up. Our work shoes are not only slip-resistant but they come in a selection of muted colors to blend in with your workwear. Get a pair today; your 9-to-5 will thank you. Again, SAS carries comfortable styles for both men and women.

What Worsens Plantar Fasciitis?

Now that we’ve walked you through the right kinds of choices in reducing plantar fasciitis, let’s walk through the wrong things you can do. You can make your condition worse if you fail to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are some situations that can aggravate your plantar fasciitis:

The Wrong Footwear

Flip-flops and trendy flats can feel exciting to put on, but if you have plantar fasciitis, these trendy kicks are doing more harm than good. If the flip-flops can cause such pain, what about walking around barefoot? Walking barefoot will worsen the already bad situation, too. Unless you are in bed or the shower, avoid walking barefoot. Some shoes have incredibly rigid soles, which also makes the condition worse. Overall, ensure that you have shoes with comfortable soles, and don't forget to use proper insoles for better results.

Consuming a Diet High in Sugar

If your blood sugar levels are high, your body will produce molecules known as glycation as an end product. The molecules are known to trigger inflammation, which will in turn make your plantar fasciitis worse. Maintaining low sugar levels will benefit your health – for several reasons.

Being on Your Feet for Too Long

There is nothing worse than being on your feet for an extended period. It makes the inflammation worse, especially if you guessed it...plantar fasciitis. However, if we haven’t made it clear enough, the type of shoes you wear can also have an impact. Shoes with uncomfortable soles may harm your feet, especially if you’re on them for too long.

Paying Little Attention to the Discomfort

Have you ever thought about why our bodies experience pain? It is a way for your body to communicate something critical. Your body is insisting that you should stop what you are doing. However, some people choose to take this lightly and push through the pain. Forcing your feet to walk, run, or participate in any other strenuous activity will only make the condition worse. So listen to your feet; they know what’s best for you.

Avoiding Treatment

In every condition, treatment is typically the best way to counter the problem. If you choose to snub the treatment, thinking you will get better with time, you are – more likely than not – wrong. Avoiding treatment will make the condition worse, and you might reach a point of no return.

Time for New Shoes – Time for SAS

The rate at which people are experiencing plantar fasciitis is alarming. If you want reduced pain, we can’t stress how essential it is to find proper footwear. At SAS, we’ve gone the extra mile to produce the best footwear when suffering from plantar fasciitis. If you want great results, we’ve got everything you need. Browse the rest of our products to see what we mean.