What is SASnola.com?
As an official SAS Shoes retailer, we take pride in our long-standing relationship with the brand, having sold their products since 1976.
Jack Ponseti opened his first retail shoe store in 1965 after learning the ropes in the shoe department of Maison Blanche. Always on the lookout for new shoe brands, Jack opened an account with SAS Shoes in the brand's founding year of 1976. The shoes were so successful that he eventually opened other locations solely selling SAS Shoes.
Jack's grandsons are still operating the same SAS New Orleans store 50+ years later. Feel free to stop by our location in Harahan to visit or do some shopping in person!
As we have evolved into the internet retail age, we have done our best to transition that same sit & fit retail experience into our online store. Please take a look around our site, and don't hesitate to call us with any questions.
About the Brand
The story of the San Antonio Shoemakers™(SAS) family begins with its founders, Terry Armstrong and Lew Hayden. The two first met in Pittsfield, Maine, but their passion for making quality footwear led them to San Antonio, Texas. After working for a local shoe company, Terry and Lew struck out on their own.
Terry and Lew had a vision of how genuine leather shoes should be made. With determination, and the support of their families, the two pooled their resources to start their first factory in a corner of an unused aircraft hangar on the South Side of San Antonio. In 1976, San Antonio Shoemakers was born.
Dedication to Quality
Today, SAS continues to handcraft shoes from only the softest, highest quality leather. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that each pair of SAS shoes is a masterpiece of comfort and durability. With a commitment to excellence, each shoe undergoes a rigorous quality inspection, making sure that the SAS shoes you choose become the most valued pair of footwear in your closet.

At SAS, the priorities have always been the comfort and quality of the shoes. As the company has grown over the years, so have the tastes of our customers. We hope to surprise and delight you with each new line of shoes that we release, but know that comfort is still the driving force behind every decision of our shoes.